Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A new timeline for my life

February 5th, 2010...

Yes, this will be the day that I will forever look back on. Any day before this on the timeline of my life will be labeled B.C. ("before celiac"), and any day on or after will be A.D. ("after diagnosis).

Yes, my life B.C. was marked with a love for fettuccine alfredo, chocolate cake, and buttery, crusty croissants (the last of which has been the only food item I have 'mourned' thus far). My life was also marked with chronic canker sores etched deeply inside the cracks and crevices of my mouth. It was a time of frequent diarrhea, stomach pains, and nausea so bad I could barely see straight (this blog does say Sexy in the title, so I must deliver! haha). There have been many B.C. years of extreme fatigue and general feeling of being "off" and "out of it" and "not myself".

Well, peace out fettuccine alfredo. I will gladly trade you, cookies, and crusty, wonderful croissants, croutons, and pizza for a clear mind, a healthy body, and a happy soul!

February 5th, 2010... what a gift! To finally know what my body has been screaming about for years. I am excited for this adventure. I am excited to get to know the healthy, energetic, and exciting person that I have been drowning for years in a sea of pasta, processed foods, and gluten-laden delights.

I hope you will join me and get to know this new "crazy sexy celiac" too!

1 comment:

  1. Still waiting for the sexy part ;) But seriously, just stumbled on your blog and wanted to say hi. Glad you're feeling better!

